Leather has been a favorite textile all over the world for thousands of years. It was used in England, Germany, France, as well as many other countries to make luggage, clothing, shoes, handbags, and other products as different cultures saw fit. The Indians used leather for their clothing, shoes, boots, jewelry, blankets, and homes.
Today we have become accustomed to using leather for many aspects in life such as handbags, purses, shoes, clothing, coats, hats, jewelry, luggage, wallets, and fanny packs. It is so easy to choose what we will wear and carry with what. We have so many styles, colors, and different grades of leather to choose from. All we have to do is go online or to a mall and buy what we like. It is as easy as that.
Your ensemble may be easier to accessorize than you think. For instance, we use a certain style purse such as a clutch purse to wear with our evening wear. Trendy handbags and sporty purses will embellish your jeans and a tee. While a fanny pack or a backpack/book bag will work well on an adventurous hike or to a theme park. Or how professional would you look carrying a fine leather briefcase walking into a corporate business meeting. The way you accessorize your outfit says a lot about your personality.
There are many ways to use leather to dress up your day, whether at work or at play. These are just a few ideas on how to accessorize your wardrobe with leather. Can you think of more?
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