Miss Karoline - FW - Paris

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     Miss Karoline Bjornelykke - FW - Paris
Photo by Easy Fashion Fred

Advantages of Attending Fashion Schools

  Fashion is where money is. The public has grown so obsessed with Hollywood that encourages the fashion industry to evolve on its lucrative growth. Instant popularity is at hand if you have the right combination of everything (say right choice of endorser, right choice of fashion ideas, innovative and creative sense of fashion and the likes).

What You can Learn in Fashion Photography Schools

  People always admire models. They love the way that models look on the cover of magazines and they love the way that models can showcase a certain product using their looks. Whenever people see a good looking model on a magazine, they often ask, “Who is that?” However, few persons actually ask the names of the fashion photographers who made those pictures possible.

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Design by Dzignine and Conceptual photography